Cracking the coding interview

In the interview Top ten mistakes made by candidates

# 1 | Practicing on a computer

If you were training for a bike race in the mountains, would you just practice cycling?
ing in the streets? cracking the coding interview: 189 programming questions and solutions  I hope not. The air is different. The terrain is different. Yeah I bet you like it
practice in the mountains.

This is how you use a compiler to practice interview questions, and you were basically cycling
on the streets for the rest of your life. Save the compiler and find the old pencil and paper. Use
compiler to verify your solutions.

# 2 | Do not practice behavior problems

Many candidates spend all their time preparing for technical questions and forget about the measure
behavioral questions. Guess what? Your interviewer is judging them too! And not only that
- your performance on behavior problems can skew the interviewer's opinion of you
Technical presentation. Behavioral preparation is relatively easy and worth the time. Stalking
about your projects and jobs and think about the key stories. Practice the stories. Look
page 29 for details.

# 3 | Don't do a mock interview

Imagine that you are preparing for a big speech. Your whole school, or your company, or whatever
Be there. Your future depends on this. And all you do with the preparation is read the speech for yourself.
own. Quietly. In your head. Crazy right?

Here's what you do without a mock interview to prepare for a real interview. If you are a person
engineer, other engineers need to know. Get in touch with a friend and ask him to make a joke
interview you. You can even return the favor!

# 4 | Trying to remember solutions

Quantity of quality rhythms. Try to fight with yourself and solve the problems; do not turn di¬
correctly with solutions when you get stuck. I don't remember how to solve a particular problem.

# 5 | Talking too much

I can't tell you how many times I asked candidates a simple question like "what was
hardest mistake in Project Pod?
derstand. Five minutes later, when they finally rise into the air, I haven't learned anything except
they are bad communication. When asked, divide your answer into three
parts (Situation / Action / Response, Problem 1 / Problem 2 / Problem 3, etc.) and speak for some
sentences about each of them. If I need more details, I will ask!
# 6 | Speaking very little

Ps- let me tell you a secret: I don't know what's going through your head. So if you ain't talking
ing, I don't know what you're thinking. If you don't speak for a long time, I'll assume there is
They are not progressing. Talk frequently and try to find a solution. SEO
Your interviewer shows that you are addressing the problem and that you are not stuck. And leaves them
guide you when you stray from the path, helping you find the answer faster. And show your
impressive communication skills. What is not love?

# 7 | Running

Coding is not a career and none of them have interviews. Take your time on a coding problem, no
Rush! Rushing leads to mistakes and exposes you to being careless. Go slow and smooth
test frequently and think carefully about the problem. You'll be done with the problem in less
time to the end, and with fewer mistakes.

# 81 no disinfection

Would you ever write code and not run or test it? I did not expect that! So why do that in
interview? When you finish writing the code in an interview, "run" (or walk) the code to
Test it. Or, for more complex problems, test your code as you type.

# 9 | Sloppy coding

Did you know that you can write code without errors while still asking a terrible coding question?
tion? It is true! Duplicate code, extensive data structures (i.e. lack of object-oriented design),
etc. Bad, bad, bad! When writing code, imagine you are writing for real life maintenance
capacity. Divide your code into subroutines and design data structures to link relevant data.

# 10 | Giving up

Have you ever taken a computer adaptation test? These are tests that give you more difficult questions
you do better. Trust me, they are not funny. No matter how good you are at acting
making allies, suddenly you have problems. Oh!

The type of interview